Carina Case Study – eLife Sciences

Partner Case Study

eLife Sciences

Making evidence-based decisions thanks to non-intrusive software

eLife Sciences has benefited from Carina’s non-intrusive timers, integrating the data output into their own reporting systems. They now have a better understanding of how long tasks take and the statistics to analyse whether changes to the workflow or task requirements are having a positive impact.

Highly recommended

eLife Science identified that they needed accurate evidence, not a best guess, about the time taken for each of the steps in their workload. They wanted to understand where their staff were spending the majority of their time. They also wanted to assess the range of times a task was taking to complete, as well as knowing the average time.

The TaskAdept Timer, part of the Carina Workflow Intelligence platform, was recommended by Editorial Office Ltd,  at a conference. Upon investigation, they could see it was a good solution to providing the exact information required and felt support throughout the set up.

“Excellent ongoing support - we’ve had lots of help setting up exports to our data pipeline, adding new users and addressing problems as they occur.”

Non-intrusive timing and accessible reporting

eLife Sciences use the time to track tasks on two websites. They are able to regularly export the data gathered to their own reporting pipelines. The in-built report displays are also used regularly for spot-checking and troubleshooting.

Importantly, the team have found Carina works invisibly in the background of their working day. It is providing accurate timing, but it is non intrusive, and can be easily paused, when necessary.

Data analysis and evidence-based decisions

The importance of an efficient workflow is integral to all organisations but unlike many, eLife Sciences can now make decision based on evidence, not guess work. They have found that Carina gives them easy access to data. This not only helps them analyse tasks and the time taken, but enables to assess the impact of changes, based on the evidence the data provides.  

“It has helped us analyse workflows and provided evidence to support the benefits of changes we’ve made.”

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