Free Trial

Request your free trial today

Request a free trial and we will provide you with a Carina configuration that captures the most important tasks in your workflow – for example, new or revised submissions, reviewer selection, production checklists, the task list is entirely up to you.

Your trial is available for up to 5 users working on one or two journals and runs for 4 weeks.

To kick-off your trial, we engage in a consultation to get to know how you work and understand your journal(s) workflow. 

Next is a collaborative process where the Carina team work with you and your system to develop and deploy your bespoke Carina trial configuration. 

Once in place, you will have complete access to all  reporting and collaborative tools within Carina.

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Free Trial FAQs

Can I trail Carina for my team?

Your trail is available for a team of up to five users.

Can Carina work with my system?

Carina already works with many manuscript management and production systems. If we have not worked with you before, we are confident that we can support any web-based application.

What access do I need to provide?

Creating the Carina configuration requires read-only access to your system for a short period. Your data remains secure at all times.

Is it a problem that my workflow is complex?

Carina can be configured for the most complex workflows and can even gather workflow information across multiple systems. The trial configuration concentrates on selected main tasks of your workflow which means we may not cover everything to begin with.